After completion of all 5 modules and successfully passing an exam you will earn the "HP12C Energy Calculator" badge.

Module 1—Introduction: 3.5 hours, .35 CEUs on completion

·         Overview of the five learning modules

·         Anatomy of an Energy Project

·         How the HP12C functions as a calculator for energy projects

·         Special symbols used on the HP12C

·         Special key combinations

o   Memory clear

o   Master memory clear

·         Operating modes and clearing procedures

o   Number representation

o   Settings and annunciators

o   Memory organization and the five basic TVM (time value of money) financial parameters

·         Using memories to solve problems

·         Using register contents

·         Understanding register arithmetic

·         Basic arithmetic concepts

·         RPN and the order of operations

·         Practice solving basic arithmetic problems

·         Basic loan calculations

o   The HP12C time value of money (TVM)

o   Cash flow diagrams and sign conventions

o   Practice solving loan problems

·         TVM basics

o   TVM calculations

o   The HP12C TVM

o   TVM sign conventions, payment modes and odd periods

o   Practice solving simple interest problems

o   Practice solving compound interest problems

·         Review of Module 1 and quiz